Monday, April 2, 2007

I got kidnapped too!

Actually, I didn't get kidnapped. But Ruby tagged me to do this, and she got kidnapped and I was just trying to outdo her. Why? Because at first I thought there was nothing interesting left for me to say about myself since, I succumbed to pressure and wrote out this, and then.. this. But, then I thought to myself 'self, you ARE entertaining and there is MUCH the world doesn't know about you, so do it! And do it well!'. Hence,

FIVE Things You Don't Know About Me

1. I'm a reading dork.
Now, I'm a teacher so I promote reading all the time. It makes you smarter! It expands your vocabulary! All the cool kids are doing it!, but the difference between being an avid reader and being a reading dork is what you read and how often. I've made no excuses to hide the fact that I'm not so secretly in love with Bob Woodward. I have, however, recently discovered a new lusty-like feeling for George. If I just enjoyed the good political book that would be fine, but I like to sprinkle them in between re-reading Harry Potter for clues to what will happen in Book 7. Because, I think I'm going to find all the answers by re-reading the end of book 6, oh, 4789 times. (And to further hammer the dork point, I will admit that I got panicked thinking I wouldn't get Book 7 the day it came out, so I pre-ordered and then asked what time the store opened so I wouldn't be waiting in line until my 35th birthday). And if that still didn't prove how much I loved reading, when I was 9 years old I told my brother that I loved books so much I wished I could eat the pages so they would always be inside me. Okay, I said that when I was like, 14. Okay... like 22. He still makes fun of me for it.

2. I'm anti-"blog"
I hate the word blog. Because it rhymes with my two least favourite words- slob and glob. The word 'Blog' makes me think of old sweatpants that smell like sour milk and spray cheese smeared on the side of someones face. I prefer the term 'Post', as in "I posted about Ohio". To me, "post" implies that I typed while wearing creamy white gloves while sipping chamomile out of a dainty teacup adorned with hand painted buttercups. I've never actually typed while wearing gloves, or drank tea out of an actual teacup with saucer (I prefer comfy pants and a juice box), but the idea of it makes me feel better.

3. I've lived in a tent
Not permanently. But, growing up my dad's hobby required travelling every summer, so each year from June to August, my family would travel all over Western Canada. And because for the entire summer we lived in our holiday trailer, and as much as I love my family a girl needs some space- I took to sleeping in a tent.
Every night. Every summer. For ten years. (And for this sacrifice, my parents rewarded me with a very cool tent of my choosing for each summer. To this day, I get ridiculously excited when I see the tents up at Costco for you to buy)

4. I like hospitals
I suspect the reason I like them is because when I'm there it's me in the hospital and not anyone else. If I knew someone who was always in the hospital, I suppose I would detest them with the same fury that Paris would shun polyester. But, because it's me, I enjoy them. When I'm there overnight, I love the blankets they give you with just enough scratch to exfoliate (too bad they didn't smell like this) your body and dim lights- dark enough to make you sleepy, not enough to make you scared. I get blood taken a lot (mostly, to just re-confirm the fact that the blood I do have is bad), and doctors waiting rooms make me feel just as good. I like reading all the old Housekeeping magazines that give me quilting advice or tips on making meatloaf. Perhaps the reason I like hospitals and waiting rooms is because I know neither is permanent.

5. I'm always gettin' lucky
When it comes to winning contests, or getting money for doing nothing, I'm always getting lucky. The last contest I entered and then forgot about, I won. First place. Hundreds of dollars in gift certificates to the mall, new sunglasses and two tickets to a three day outdoor concert. When I was in university I applied for this obscure funding option based on the fact that my grandmothers grandmother was Native, and I got my last year of tuition/books/rent paid for. Plus a healthy spending allowance. And even now, I get random cheques from the government and I have no idea why.

And now you are fully in the know about me. Oh, one more thing... I'm trying to update my blogro-, er, postroll, so if I don't have you would you just leave a comment so I can keep track of everyone I need to add?


Jennifer said...

I like hospitals, too. That is weird.

Fun list!

Carrie said...

It's nice to see that there are some people (not kids, because SO much is done to keep kids happy at hospitals) who like hospitals. I know that for the most part its a scary place to be but as a future nurse we're being taught to make it as easy as possible for our patients.

And hey - reading is COOL.

Eileen Dover said...

Oh geez, I love hospitals too. My brothers were always in them, and I never was.

There's something about that sterile scent that appeals to my OCD cleaning nature, not to mention someone bringing you food to eat in bed, and a copious supply of medicine in some far off supply closet.

Still just me said...

I like hospitals too, where else can you go where you don't have to do housework and you are waited on hand and foot?

brandy said...

Alright, it would appear that liking hospitals is far more common than I suspected! I'm curious, do you all like airplane food too?

Sarah said...

I actually REALLY enjoy airplane food. There is something oddly comforting about an entire meal covered in plastic and eaten with individually wrapped utensils. Plus, there's the thrill of traveling. And now that airlines generally feed you only crackers and/or peanuts...those airplane meals are something of a luxury reserved for only the longest of flights. I went on about that longer than I intended...see what you started!

Bre said...

I'm completely comfortable with you sending your mystery government checks my way. Just sayin.

Ally said...

Airplanes and hospitals, in my opinion, have two things in common: bad food. You're really the first person I've ever heard express an affinity for either!

Aaron said...

Ya'll really worry me?

LIKE hospitals?

Maybe it's because 70% of the women in my family are nurses. Maybe it's because I work for a medical company. Maybe it's because the only time I'm ever in one is because I really overdid one of my many 'adventures'. Maybe it's because I've spent WAY to much of my life in one. Or maybe, just maybe, because I'm hardly EVER sick but whenever I spend more than a couple hours in a hospital I come down with something. You know, because that's the only place where germs that can't be killed live.

Beth said...

I am a reading dork as well. I love the library because they are stocked with books and they let you take them home for FREE!

I feel right at home in hospitals, too. I think it's because I've been there so much for other people. I've never spent the night in the hospital for myself, but spent many nights there with other people.

Anonymous said...

I love the list! I now want to type wearing white gloves and drinking tea from Royal Doulton tecups! (But I won't, let be honest here.) I hope your lucky money streak continutes!

megabrooke said...

ooh hospitals make me nervous. real bad.

please tell me the contest you entered that won you hundreds of dollars to spend at the mall! really, i need to be in the know about this one!

Chica said...

I prefer the word post too. I think 'posted by' may be the only thing I haven't tinkered with on my *whispers* blog.

I also often drink tea while posting! (But from a big blue-flowered cup from Ikea.)


Still Searching said...

I totally detest hospitals!! Hate seeing people around sick, hate being ill or taking someone who is ill.. ummm.. never mind..

Lucky for you you get lucky so often!
:) and living in a tent sounds exotic! You sound like u've had a really interesting life!

HippieChyck said...

I don't think I like hospitals. Although I do like hospital shows. Not having a tv for the last 9.5 months and not being able to watch Grey's Anatomy has been killing me.

Of course, all that spare time has let me indulge in my #1 favourite hobbies - READING BOOKS!!! George is delicious. Clearly a close second to Woodward who - for what he lacks in youthful good looks, makes up for in hard hitting longevity.

And which would you prefer? youthful good looks or hard hitting longevity - seriously.

We should start a book club. oh wait. just cuz i know 5 new things about you, doesn't mean i actually *know* you...sigh.

Lefty said...

Actually, "blog" rhymes with "slog" and "glog." Right?

Heather said...

I'm a reading dork too. And have re-read Harry Potter more times than I should admit to. I'm sure I'll re-read all six books before 7/21 in case I missed one itty bitty clue in there. Because I'm a dork!

Hamza matar said...

lovely page, c u at mine

Cassy said...

LOVE the list! See I got lucky for a while there... back a couple of years ago I entered a "free money name game" on the country radio station I listen to while I'm at work (shh I like country music... don't be mean. ;-) ) I won $40 and was entered into another contest... which I won. I won two tickets to Nashville, stay at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel, all meals were covered AND two tickets to the Country Music Awards.

It was awesome... but since then... um not so much. I'd love random checks from the goverment though! :-)

Swistle said... has a good price on the Harry Potter book, plus they guarantee release-date delivery. No waiting in crowded bookstore with frantic 10-year-olds.

"Blog" doesn't rhyme with words ending in B. I know what you mean, though; I hate that word, too. It sounds to me like almost throwing up. But I still use it. "Post" has the appealing "British mail" thing going for it, and I use that word too.