Monday, April 2, 2007

I'm thisclose to pulling a Plath

Ohio lost. Instead of winning my pool, I tied for first place.

Perhaps if I was a middle child, or a native from Switzerland, or a generous Pisces or just someone who didn't know better, I would be happy with a tie.

But to a Leo, who is the oldest child, who sometimes enjoys winning more than she should and who at times likened herself to Luke Skywalker in her battle against evil forces such as an NCAA basketball team who just won last year, this tie feels like a loss.

Good things need to happen immediately.

(NOTE: Apparently when I'm feeling sad, I need to use a lot of italics.)


Bitten said...

Anonymous said...

Italics = the breakfast of champions. I don't know exactly what that means, but it sounds like something a winner would say, so I'm sticking with it.

Aaron said...

Oh, it's over?

Great! Now maybe all these folks will leave Atlanta and return the traffic from worse to bad.

JustRun said...

It was fun while it lasted, I guess! I came in something like 8th in my pool, so don't feel so bad. :)

Anonymous said...

No Plath-ing it for you! Its not an option because I've never read the Bell Jar and I love reading your posts!

Trixie said...

sorry to hear your team lost. i love watching sports too and i'm so excited baseball season has begun. :)

Chica said...

Dang. There go those haiku's! x

Carrie said...

Tie for first? Not bad - but I totally understand the MUST-WIN feeling!!

HippieChyck said...

What kind of political junkie would you be if you didn't like to win?

P.S. I'm a Libra who lived in Switzerland, and I still like to kick ass.

Lefty said...

I'm a first-born, overly competitive Leo, too, but I've never been into the italics thing. Maybe I should try it on for size.

Bre said...

Ugh, a tie is just as bad as losing in my eyes... but then I'm the oldest too.

Sarah said...

but...but...the Florida team had that core group of five guys who stayed out of the NBA draft to see if they could DO IT AGAIN. And they're like best friends. I think that's cool.

Note: this comes from an only child who is ridiculously used to getting her way but who has never in her life entered a bracket pool of any kind...

K.I.D. said...

This pisces is quite generous...but ties still feel like defeat.