Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Today's Top Five

Sooo... again this is from Bre. Basically, the idea is that someone sends you five questions and you answer them. Which, in my opinion is a great idea, because I love, love, love talking about myself. I kid. Sort of.

1. What is your earliest childhood memory?
I grew up on an acreage and in the spring my mom would pack a picnic and carry my brother and I out to a field to eat and play in the sand. I remember eating a honey and peanut butter sandwich and crying because it fell on the ground. My mom gave me a Popsicle instead and then my brother purposely dropped his sandwich. My mom threw her head back and laughed. I think I was about four. The next earliest memory is my fifth birthday when I got my pony. Yeah, I just had to say it.

2. What about blogging appeals to you?
I like how writing helps me organize my thoughts. Sometimes I won't even know exactly what's bothering me, or why I can't sleep or why I'm skipping happily into my office until I start thinking of how I would write about it. Once I do that, everything sort of falls into place. I also like the challenge of it, the idea of taking an ordinary story and making it more interesting, or something someone can relate to. Or knowing I've used the best possible word in a sentence. Man, that sounds sort of nerdy now that I typed it...

3. How do you spoil yourself on a daily (weekly/monthly) basis?
It's all about the afternoon naps... oh, and expensive (albeit extremely glossy) fashion magazines that weigh more than a phone book.

4. What is the most ridiculous thing that has happened to you in the past week?
Um, I found myself watching this movie. And honestly, if that doesn't sound ridiculous then you clearly haven't seen the preview. Or, being one of the only 'non-accountants' at an 'accountant' party... there were some ridiculous aspects in that... such as me busting out the Snoop while other people watched.

5. What is a relationship dealbreaker for you?
Other than cheating? Bad kissers? A close relationship with cocaine? A hate on for dogs? Hmm, I would have to say I don't like the idea of being with someone who isn't confident. I don't require a man to be arrogant, but I really need to be with someone who feels secure enough in themselves that they don't question every choice they make. Reflection is good, but a guy who doesn't have the confidence to make the first move, or stand by a choice he's made is probably not a guy for me.

And thus concludes my five. If you are interested in participating, here are the rules:

Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me!”
I will respond by e-mailing you five questions. I get to pick them, and you have to answer them all.
You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.


Aaron said...

Ok, I'll bite. Interview me.

(Please Email me the questions, though. Check profile for Email.)

Jennifer said...

There you go again, bragging about that PONY! Ha, ha!

Fun questions.

Cheryl said...

I'm going to have to agree with all your points in #5. Especially the close relationship to cocaine...and dog-haters.

Bre said...

I think I'm going to point my father the way of this post just so he can see that some five year olds DID get ponies when they asked for them!

Thanks for playing!

Ally said...

I'm game....so interview me!

And I definitely prefer confident and decisive guys too.

aRbit said...

I'll play...bring on the questions...!!!

JustRun said...

Cool! Good job!

I need to get on my questions from Bre, too.

Anonymous said...

I'm all about procrastination today, so why not. Interview me, svp

finn.644 "at" gmail.com

Trixie said...

Interview me. :)

count me in.


aRbit said...

Oops...sorry I forgot:

Chica said...

Totally relate about the blogging appeal. I'd love to be interviewed, as I have a dissertation to write and all distraction is welcome :)


Ooh, I can see me on your map!


megabrooke said...

i loved your answers!

i want to be interviewed, but i feel like you might be overwhelmed now, thinking up all these questions! well, if you have the time and want to, im definitely down. i believe you know my email, otherwise it's on my blog:)

aRbit said...

Hi. Check this out - http://smithmag.net/sixwords/index.php

J. A. Blackburn said...

hey just stopped by from Playgroupie... love your blog!

Sarah said...

Yay! Interview me :) You can reach me at sarahchef at gmail dot com

And also, yeah, if a guy doesn't like dogs, or animals in general, there has GOT to be something wrong with him. Who doesn't like dogs?? Other than people who have been attacked the them...

Anonymous said...

I spoil myself with naps and fashion mags too!!