Friday, February 16, 2007


I read about this here. And loved it because 1) who doesn't love thinking of all the things they love (?) and 2) I'm a sucker for lists.

Things That I'm a Sucker For...

- Accents. Sweet Jesus, accents!
- the smell of the bookstore
- someone else washing my hair
- tequila
- Ikea
- guys who cry, but who also you know... chop wood and build stuff.
- handwritten letters
- corn in anything I can figure out a way to add it to
- Jon Stewart
- any food that comes on a stick (carmel apple- with nuts, kebob, corn dog...)
- Scrabble
- the George
- 3am phone calls that aren't an emergency
- black and white photography
- puzzles. Not Sudoku, puzzles from a box.
- rootbeer in bottles
- dodgeball
- making lists
- the perfect quote
- fort building
- Aveda shampure
- duvets
- "The Hills". Damnit.
- cotton candy ice cream
- men who play guitar
- toques
- the sale rack
- fat, glossy fashion magazines
- Julie Andrews' sing-a-longs
- snow days
- drink specials
- my bed
- Bob Woodward books
- white tanks tops (can you ever have enough?)
- roadtrips

Man. I love this list.


Anonymous said...

The first time I ever bought Shampure, the sales assistant asked if I wanted to buy the gift set with the candle in it. At the time I thought "Why on earth would I need a candle that smells like shampoo?"

Then I used it for the first time and all became clear.

That said, I get bored of shampoo so quickly that I've got about 5 different types in my bathroom - and the other 4 are way more enticing than the Shampure.

Anonymous said...

Amen on the guys who play guitar!!

brandy said...

And now I'm adding to my list because I feel like I missed some good stuff: no line ups, car starters, hardcover books, man smell, the smell of peppermint, slushie drinks, movie theatre popcorn and march madness!

megabrooke said...

I loved doing this list too. LOVE a man who can play the guitar. And The Hills- damnit! :)

Cassy said...

Hahaha just had to come and check out your list and make sure The Hills made it! I know it's so irritating to love such a show! I just watched this weeks episode and is it just me, or does anyone else question themselves while you're watching the show? I sit there and think "really? Am I REALLY watching this?"

ALSO, I simply must add the smell of the bookstore to my list! I was just in one the other day and commented on it to a friend. She looked at me like I was crazy (which I'm VERY used to) and walked away. Glad to hear I'm not alone!

PS I linked you on my blog. I think you're absolutely hilarious. :-)

brandy said...

I love that other people watch the hills! There should be a support group methinks. And yes, I do watch it and then ask myself during commercial breaks "why am i doing this?" but then it comes back on and I remain silent as not to miss a second of Lauren's tormented life or Heidi's ridiculous lines. Seriously though, Brody Jenner? I'm not sure what I thought of that episode...