Friday, December 15, 2006


I'm sick. Again.

And instead of having a boyfriend who will make me soup and hold my germy hand and pass me kleenex when I sneeze with abandon, I am single and have a cat who stares at me.

And then leaves.
Which is fine. I don't want the cat to get sick. He's old.

I've decided to relish this opportunity and not feel bad for missing work, or skipping a chance to Christmas shop or continuing my law breaking scheme. Today is a day to watch movies with a rootbeer candy canes and an orange juice IV. And while my germy eyes scanned my humble movie collection I realized that while sick, stressed out, or tired, there are certain movies I will watch again and again.

These include:

- Good Will Hunting (Fav Quote: "... and let me save you the suspense, this girl you've met she's not perfect either."- the idea of not having to be perfect comforts me when I'm wearing sweats, with itchy eyes and a runny nose)

- Say Anything (Fav Quote: "I am looking for a dare to be great situation." OR "The rain on my car is a baptism, the new me, Ice Man, Power Lloyd, my assault on the world begins now". Because anyone who refers to himself as Ice Man is cool in my books.)

- Sweet Home Alabama (Fav Quote: "Like I could tip a cow BY MYSELF!"- because I completely understand where she is coming from. It's ... impossible.)

- Garden State (Fav Quote: "I'm okay with being unimpressive. I sleep better")

- JFK (I don't have one, but I do appreciate how serious Kevin Costner can look in those glasses)

- Rounders (Fav Quote: "If you can't spot the sucker in the first half hour at the table, then you ARE the sucker"-or pretty much anything said by Teddy KGB)

- When A Man Loves a Woman (It's not about the words, it's about Andy's eyes. I'm swooning.)

- Bottle Rocket (Fav Quote: "I don't think your happiness is quite appropriate" or " We almost did it, didn't we?"

- National Treasure (Fav Quote:"We have to steal the Declaration of Independence!!". I wish I was joking about this movie but I must come clean. I'd like to think I'm drawn to it for it's references to American history, but, it could also be Nic's ability to both squint and growl at the same time. Nicholas Cage just sucks me in like a black hole.)

Feel free to drop off soup. Or presents. Or soup and presents.


Anonymous said...

National Treasure?? Brandy Lee you've got to kidding me. You are better than that. Far better. Delete it from your favorite list, or you may lose some cool points.

brandy said...

You can't judge me when you are anonymous. I only let my friends and family judge me. And Ryan Gosling. I think I would let him judge me too.

Jag said...

Try Neo-Citran it's like a Holocaust...for Germs! Feel better, brandy...

brandy said...

Thanks Jag but I prefer the medicinal healing power of Matt Damon and sugar free candy canes.