Thursday, January 18, 2007

Bush League

Life Lesson #139: It's probably not the best idea to alienate yourself at work because you strongly disagree with a lot of George W. Bush's policies and all the narrow-minded people you work with who like him only because their parents live in Phoenix. (I know. It doen't make sense) Stony silences and dirty looks due to arguing over a president who rules a country you don't live in is never the path to upper management.


WestSideSlant said...

I personally know someone who was fired over political beliefs in 2004 when dubya was re-elected. All I will say is that a boss had a money bet with a subordinate, and was so livid when Bush won that it led to the underling's demise. Politics and religion...just stay out of it at work. Keep up the nice work, a pleasurable read as always

HippieChyck said...

re: path to upper management - well, neither is sitting in your pyjamas surfing the blogosphere, 30 minutes before a meeting you've been flown in to attend. But we all have our faults.