Tuesday, January 9, 2007

"What the hell!" moment #293

Outside looks like a shaken snow-globe, with big fat flakes falling everywhere. It's the kind of weather that promotes high hot chocolate consumption, all day cuddling and the abandonment of high heels for boots with tire like treads. I had the urge to hibernate but I needed a fix that could only be remedied by a trip to the local video store.

After paying for more Jack Bauer time, I stood inside beside a wall of Will Ferrell disappointments and looked for my keys. I searched for my remote car starter on my keychain and couldn't find it. Had my remote car starter fallen off? I then searched my pockets, my bag and still it was no where to be found. There was a panic that crept up my throat as I watched the other customers leave and smugly push a button to pre-heat their vehicles already encased with icy snow. With each person leaving I felt the gust of wind enter the store leaving me cold right down to my toes despite my layers of fleece. My worry increased and my search became more frantic. I dug through old receipts and bubble gum, phone numbers and leaking pens. I came up empty handed. I had lost my car starter.

Then I realized, I don't have a remote car starter.

Painful life lesson #293: Thinking that you should have something doesn't mean that you actually have it.


Anonymous said...

Why didn't you ask for one for Christmas?

WestSideSlant said...

I think that Jack Bauer stole your car starter because for some weird reason he needed it to save the world. Then he drugged you, brain washed you into believing that you never had a car starter, and then erased your memory of the whole event.


brandy said...

Maybe my car starter was actually a remote trigger device for 24 cans of nerve gas and he was afraid that I would accidently trigger it?

Seriously. I need to stop watching that show.

Anonymous said...

Yes you do. I've never seen it but the fact it's causing you to hibernate and not answer your phone does not make it popular with me.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh... using the 'car starter' as a metaphor- I dig it!

brandy said...

No... sadly I was actually talking about not having a car starter. I'm not... academically advanced enough to employ the use of metaphors in my writing. I've barely gotten simple sentence structure down.